Adler Theatre Parking
Below is all the important Adler Theatre parking information. Enter the following address into Google Maps or car SatNav:
136 E 3rd Street, Davenport, Iowa 52801
Please remember to plan accordingly. Always allow plenty of time prior to your event for traffic as it is known to be busier than normal at times of Adler Theatre events in Davenport.
The Adler Theatre is located at 136 E. 3rd St. Davenport, IA 52801. If you are driving in to see the show, make sure to give yourself extra time to find parking and make it to your seat.
Read on for directions and parking information.

Driving Directions
From Interstate 80:
» Follow Interstate 80 to the US 61/Welcome Way (Davenport)
» Take US 61 South exit and Follow through Davenport until downtown.
» Turn Left (Eastbound) on 3rd Street.
» The Adler Theatre will be 3 Blocks ahead on the Left, and the River Center will occupy both sides of the street beyond the Adler.
From Interstate 74:
» Follow Interstate 74 to the Grant Street / State Street Interchange.
» Follow Grant Street West along the River (one-way turning into undivided two-way River Drive).
» Stay on River Drive into Downtown Davenport. Turn Right at US 61 North (Brady Street).
» Proceed North two blocks to 3rd Street and turn right.
» The Adler Theatre will be on the immediate Left,and the RiverCenter will occupy both sides of the street beyond the Adler.
Parking Ramps Information
Pay at the pay stations located in the ramp, or use the Parkmobile App.
Hourly/Daily – $1 for two hours, $2 for four hours, $3 for six hours, $4 for eight hours, $5 for twelve hours. The maximum daily rate is $10.
Park for free in the ramps on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
» Redstone Ramp – 101 Main Street
» RiverCenter Ramp – 102 East Second Street
(The RiverCenter Ramp is also accessible via Third Street across from the Adler Theatre.)
» Harrison Street Ramp – 202 Harrison Street